Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Manitoga-Muscoot Fall Camp-O-Ree Recap

Strengthening Youth Through Scouting.

Manitoga-Muscoot Fall Camp-O-Ree Recap

This past weekend, Troop 173 attended the November District Camp-O-Ree, hosted by Troop 911 of Yorktown. Troop 173 hosted the previous district event, the Lash-O-Ree which was focused on knot tying and lashings. This camp-o-ree was focused mainly on First Aid skills.

This event was divided into two segments. During the morning segment, scout patrols had the opportunity to learn about First Aid and practice he skills they would need to know for the afternoon segment, which was held in the afternoon and featured a competition. Troops were divided into patrols and these patrols went from station to station to complete tasks.

At each station, Scoutmasters from the 10 participating Troops had the role of giving each of the 16 scout patrols a scenario and the patrol would then have to figure out how to react and rectify the problem. After the patrol described their intentions, and in some cases acted out their ideas, the Scoutmaster in charge would then grade them on their work and brief them with their own suggestions.

Once the competition was over, scouts who wanted to could enter a smoke filled room, where they then tried to escape on their hands and knees. This exercise simulated the correct reaction to a housefire.

Following that, troops had a few hours of free time. Our Troop decided to go visit the Veteran’s Memorial Park nearby and look at some of the artifacts and dedications there. After we returned, we cooked our dinner and planned skits for the District campfire which took place a few hours later. Troop 173 planned 2 skits and Trevor G. rapped a few songs from the Broadway Hit: Hamilton.

Each scout had lots of fun and learned something from the experience.

(written by Ryan V.)

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